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 Free Fundability Ratings to help your Business
obtain Grants, Investment and Loans

Circa 80% of grant and 99% of VC applications, fail. A loan is unlikely unless you can evidence the ability to repay. Don't waste time, money and effort applying before you are ready. Get a free assessment,
fundability rating and follow-on report with actionable feedback on how to improve your rating. 
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contact us to get funded

" We'll evaluate you and your team's  experience, expertise and ability to commercialise. The uniqueness, viability and scalability of your product or service. How well it solves a real problem, your market differentiation and traction, the realism of your projections, the potential for growth and expansion. You'll also receive a free, fundability rating and report on how to improve your rating"

"Our grant application was rejected and
we don't understand why?"

Investors declined but wouldn't say why "
" We've  applied twice but still can’t get a loan "
We spent £6,000 on a consultant to apply for a grant and were still unsuccessful"

" Over the last 40 years, Fundability's founder has helped organisations obtain circa
£1 billion in funding"

Startups, sole traders, SMEs, large companies and not-for-profits have witnessed a significant transformation after leveraging funding with my help"


Nigel Farren
Founder of Fundability

Implement our feedback to maximise your fundraising success and save time, money and effort.

All-in-one Fundraising Solution 

1. Assess

 Arrange a free, fundability assessment and rating. We'll send a Report detailing how
to improve your rating and maximise your chances of funding success.


2. Implement

We'll help you improve your rating by identifying weaknesses. For example, in your product or project; quality of your team, sales, marketing and financial projections. 

3. Apply

When ready for funding, 
we'll review your application,  
suggest improvements and  introduce you to best-fit,
grant writing firms, investors
and / or lenders.


Avoid wasting, time, money and resources when your chances of success are low.  Obtain valuable insights  on what you should do to secure grants, investment and / or loans tailored to your particular business needs.

A founder ordering a fundability assessment

Guidance & Support

We help great founders with interesting ideas. We know what funders are looking for and how they assess and we'll guide you on how to best present your business throughout your funding journey.

Tailored Solutions

We'll get to know what makes you tick. Your background and plans so we can facilitate matches that align with your interests. Help you improve finances, operations, sales and marketing so you can achieve sustainable growth.

Best - fit funding matches

Expert Business Guidance

A founder ordering a grant application review

Fundability Score

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